Nora used to be in really good shape. She regularly trained at the gym and ran, but when she got pregnant , she stopped most activities because the doctors recommended it. During her pregnancy, she gained 16kg. After giving birth, she quickly lost 9kg, but she was left with 7kg of extra weight that she couldn't get rid of over more than a year.
When we started, her diet wasn't bad but lacked clear structure, and despite starting to exercise again, she lacked consistency and a smart training routine that could fit her new busy life as a mom.
We started adding exercise progressively, beginning with 2x35' a week at home.
For her diet, we used a "carb-back-loading" strategy that helped her burn a lot of fat during the day and still be able to enjoy the dinner she was cooking for the whole family (with carbs!) without having to prepare separate meals for herself.
The weight started to go down gradually but steadily, and the stronger she got with the exercises, the better she could see her muscle shapes coming to light.
After 3 months and losing 7kg, she reached a fantastic shape and could fit into all her old clothes.