fixing leaking, prolapse, and pelvic floor issues

Do you leak while sneezing?

Would you like to have a flat and defined stomach again?

Do you experience pain during intercourse?

You had enough of other people asking you if you're pregnant again?

Are you tired of wearing menstrual pads outside of your menstruation?

All those problems can disappear with this program.

you deserve to feel good every single day in a body you once again love


hey moms!

I’m Paulina Malaga, registered Dietitian, Level 3 personal trainer Pre and Postanatal qualified…but most of all I’m a busy mom just like you.

I have helped many moms just like you get over some annoying, embarrassing and frustrating problems DOWN THERE.

giving birth can hurt you

During pregnancy, your growing belly pushes your abdominal muscles out and stretches them creating a gap in the middle line called diastasis recti abdominals.

This process is normal and occurs in every pregnancy.

After giving birth the muscles of your belly should come back to normal, however many times it does not happen naturally. That’s when uncomfortable questions and general dissatisfaction with your body can be a real struggle!

The unclosed gap in your stomach can be potentially dangerous and leads to many unpleasant symptoms such as a weak core, a stomach that still looks pregnant, lower back pain, and discomfort even years after pregnancy. That’s why it’s so important to work with a specialist on this.

Another part of your body that is impacted by pregnancy is your pelvic floor muscles.

Carrying the baby in your belly and hours of strenuous pushing during childbirth can cause your muscles to weaken and stretch out.

A weak pelvic floor can give you symptoms such as leaking while sneezing, coughing, jumping, running, or even laughing. You may also experience discomfort and pain during intercourse because of it.

These symptoms, however, can be reversed and appropriate exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor are key.


Pelvic floor organ prolapse (POP) can happen if your pelvic floor muscles become too stretched or weak to properly regulate the pressure and hold your inner organs in place.

POP can happen and cause serious problems like pain or discomfort during intercourse, fecal or urinary incontinence, and the feeling of a foreign body in your vagina. Don’t worry, you can fix it! With appropriate training methods and the use of support, it is possible to improve your symptoms and quality of life